What's The Difference Between Single Vision and Varifocal Eyewear?
Today if you need prescription glasses, you’re likely to be offered a single vision or varifocal solution, your optician will advise you about which lens type you need. Let’s quickly look at the difference between these two types of lenses.
Single Vision Lenses
This is simply where the power of the correction is the same for the whole lens.
Bigatmo prescription glasses with Exo graphite titanium frame
Varifocal Lenses
What is a Varifocal Lens?
The prescription in these lenses varies in strength from top to bottom, and therefore caters for distance, intermediate and near vision, all in the same lens.
How Do I know If I Need Varifocal Glasses?
As we reach our forties or fifties we can find that our arms have become too short to allow us to read easily. If you recognise this, a trip to your optician will tell you that you have presbyopia, which, sadly, is a term meaning old age vision and which seems to happen disappointingly early in life. The lenses in your eyes aren’t as flexible as they were, and so now, you will end up with two prescriptions, one for distance and another for near vision.
Varifocal Lens Design
A varifocal or progressive lens design is one which blends these prescriptions into the same lens. Our pupils move downwards and inwards as our gaze moves from distance to reading, following a path called a corridor and the idea is that the blended lens gives a smooth transition from distance, through intermediate to near distances.
We’re Here To Help!
If you’d like to talk to us about prescription eyewear we’re always very happy to answer your questions and offer advice. It’s easy, just call us we’re a friendly bunch, or you can contact via email or the website.
- Call us : +447553565140 – or Email:[email protected]
Up To Date Prescription
You Will Need an Up To Date Prescription
Your optician will provide you with an up to date prescription.
Your prescription will probably change over time, and your lenses will need to be updated to maintain crisp, clear vision.
If your interested pleases contact us for a quick quote:
- Call us : +447553565140 – or Email:[email protected]